Thursday, May 17, 2012

Zebra Stainless Steel Lovely Set in Pink or Green

I have seen couple wearing the pink t-shirts, now how about couple with pink Zebra Stainless Steel Lovely Set. Now they have pink and green colour, just nice present for each other. :D

Not all guy like pink colour, now got green colour. I wonder they would love. My dear not fan of pink or green. :(

Monday, May 14, 2012

Vote Eqbalzack

I am sure you know of DiGi WWWOW Awards 2012, Eqbalzack is one of the participants. You can vote him everyday until 13 May, 2012. His entry can be found at his blog.

Eqbalzack has giveaway at his blog, for detail click above to visit his blog for detail. Every participants that vote for him getting the limited DiGi WWWOW Awards 2012 button. Don't foget to followis his sponsors I already follow them. :D

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Segmen Pantas: Header Percuma I Bahagian 2!

I am taking part this giveaway, hit banner to find out. This is only for three bloggers, I hope I am lucky one.

a Title: My Flexible Blog
b -
c. lemons can fly
e. Doodle Comel Lotte (yellow hair red hat and red dress)

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